Transitively normal subgroup

Property of a subgroup in mathematics

In mathematics, in the field of group theory, a subgroup of a group is said to be transitively normal in the group if every normal subgroup of the subgroup is also normal in the whole group. In symbols, H {\displaystyle H} is a transitively normal subgroup of G {\displaystyle G} if for every K {\displaystyle K} normal in H {\displaystyle H} , we have that K {\displaystyle K} is normal in G {\displaystyle G} .[1]

An alternate way to characterize these subgroups is: every normal subgroup preserving automorphism of the whole group must restrict to a normal subgroup preserving automorphism of the subgroup.

Here are some facts about transitively normal subgroups:

  • Every normal subgroup of a transitively normal subgroup is normal.
  • Every direct factor, or more generally, every central factor is transitively normal. Thus, every central subgroup is transitively normal.
  • A transitively normal subgroup of a transitively normal subgroup is transitively normal.
  • A transitively normal subgroup is normal.


  1. ^ "On the influence of transitively normal subgroups on the structure of some infinite groups". Project Euclid. Retrieved 30 June 2022.

See also

  • Normal subgroup