Terowongan Eupalinos

37°41′38″N 26°55′48″E / 37.694°N 26.930°E / 37.694; 26.930StatusDibukaOperasiDibukasekitar abad ke-6 SMTeknisPanjang1036 m

Terowongan Eupalinos atau akuaduk Eupalinianos (Yunani: Efpalinion orygma - Ευπαλίνιον όρυγμα) adalah sebuah terowongan sepanjang 1.036 m (3.399 ft) di Samos, Yunani, yang dibangun pada abad ke-6 SM untuk dijadikan sebagai akuaduk.[1] Terowongan tersebut adalah terowongan kedua yang diketahui dalam sejarah yang diekskavasi dari kedua ujung (bahasa Yunani Kuno: αμφίστομον, translit. amphistomon, "memiliki dua pintu masuk"), dan terowongan pertama dengan pengukuran berbasis geometri dalam pembangunannya.[2] Saat itu, terowongan tersebut menjadi tempat wisata populer.


  1. ^ Andreas Nikolaos Angelakis; Larry W. Mays; Demetris Koutsoyiannis (2012). Evolution of Water Supply Through the Millennia. IWA Publishing. hlm. 85–87, 264, 355, 407. ISBN 9781843395409. 
  2. ^ The oldest known tunnel at which two teams advanced simultaneously is the Siloam tunnel in Jerusalem, completed around 700 BC. It has been posited that it was dug by maintaining depths close enough to the surface of the solid karst that the diggers could hear loud banging from the surface guiding the two teams towards one another. Frumkin, Amos; Shimron, Aryeh (2006). "Tunnel engineering in the Iron Age: Geoarchaeology of the Siloam Tunnel, Jerusalem". Journal of Archaeological Science. 33 (2): 227–237. doi:10.1016/j.jas.2005.07.018. 


  • Olson, Åke (2012). "How Eupalinos navigated his way through the mountain-An empirical approach to the geometry of Eupalinos". Anatolia Antiqua, Institut Français d’Études Anatoliennes. XX: 25–34. 
  • Burns, Alfred (1971). "The Tunnel of Eupalinus and the Tunnel Problem of Hero of Alexandria". Isis. 62 (2): 172–185. doi:10.1086/350729. JSTOR 229240. 
  • Van der Waerden, B. L. (1968). "Eupalinos and His Tunnel". Isis. 59 (1): 82–83. doi:10.1086/350338. JSTOR 227855. 
  • Evans, Harry B. (1999). "Review of Hermann Kienast, Die Wasserleitung des Eupalinos auf Samos". American Journal of Archaeology. 103 (1): 149–150. 
  • Kienast, Hermann J. (1995). Die Wasserleitung des Eupalinos auf Samos (Samos XIX.). Bonn: Rudolph Habelt. ISBN 3-7749-2713-8. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2012-02-05. Diakses tanggal 2013-11-17. 
  • Goodfield, June; Toulmin, Stephen (1965). "How Was the Tunnel of Eupalinus Aligned?". Isis. 56 (1): 46–55. doi:10.1086/349924. JSTOR 228457. 
  • Apostol, Tom M. (2004). "The Tunnel of Samos" (PDF). Engineering and Science. 1: 30–40. 
  • The Aqueduct of Eupalinos on Samos, Hermann J Kienast, Ministry of Culture Archaeological Receipts Fund, Athens, 2005. ISBN 960-214-424-6, 60 pp, €9-80

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Wikimedia Commons memiliki media mengenai Tunnel of Efpalinos.
  • Olson, Åke: (2012). "How Eupalinos navigated his way through the mountain-An empirical approach to the geometry of Eupalinos"
  • Dan Hughes: The Tunnel of Eupalinos
  • Michael Lahanas: The Eupalinos Tunnel of Samos
  • Tunnel of Eupalinos - Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Tourism
  • Tom M. Apostol: The Tunnel of Samos