Tirosina-tRNA ligasi

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tirosina-tRNA ligasi
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Numero EC6.1.1.1
Nome sistematico
L-tirosina:tRNATyr ligasi (forma AMP)
Altri nomi
tirosina-tRNA ligasi
Fonte: IUBMB
Modifica dati su Wikidata · Manuale

La tirosina-tRNA ligasi è un enzima, appartenente alla classe delle ligasi, che catalizza la seguente reazione:

ATP + L-tirosina + tRNATyr = AMP + difosfato + L-tirosil-tRNATyr


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  • Schweet, R.S. e Allen, E.H. Purification and properties of tyrosine-activating enzyme of hog pancreas. J. Biol. Chem. 233 (1958) 1104–1108.
  • Brick, P., Bhat, T.N. e Blow, D.M. Structure of tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase refined at 2.3 Å resolution. Interaction of the enzyme with the tyrosyl adenylate intermediate. J. Mol. Biol. 208 (1989) 83–98. Entrez PubMed 2504923
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